1. A minority of the minority community i.e. the KSI (Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat) blew this issue out of proportion thinking that they caught Dr. Zakir on the wrong-foot. They thought that the whole of Muslim Ummah had a unanimous opinion against Yazeed. However, they did not know that there is a difference of opinion in the Ummah regarding Yazeed.
Irrespective of the difference of opinion on this issue in Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaah yet it is unanimously agreed that one can say RadhiAllahu Anhu (May Allah be please with him) for Yazeed.
As you are aware that Dr. Zakir has a large fan following from all the sects of Muslim Ummah including Isna Ashari, Khojas, Bohris etc. The Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat could not tolerate the Shias getting influenced by Dr. Zakir’s talks.
Desperate attempts were made to instigate the whole of Muslim Ummah against Dr. Zakir Naik by publicizing the matter in all possible manners.
The Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat in Mumbai is misleading the masses by making it appear as though Dr. Zakir Naik has made Yazeed into a Hero. Infact Yazeed is not a Hero for Dr. Zakir Naik.
2. In order to maintain the unity in the Muslim Ummah, Dr. Zakir Naik expresses his sincere regret and said, “I regret if unintentionally any person or section of the people’s feelings have been hurt due to any statement made by me.” He also does the same while giving da’wah to Christians and Hindus. He regrets hurting the Muslims unintentionally but that does not mean what he has said is wrong.
3. Any knowledgeable Muslim whenever he takes the name of any “Sahabah” (companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) or Taba’een (next generation after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) his name is followed by RadiAllahu Anhu (May Allah be pleased with him) or Rahmatullahi Alaih (May Allah’s mercy be on him).Thus Dr. Zakir Naik after mentioning the name of Yazeed, who is a Taba’een, he followed his name with (May Allah be pleased with him). To pray for the Muslims is also instructed by Allah (swt) in the Glorious Qur’an – 98:8, 9:100 and 58:22.
Neither did Dr. Zakir praise Yazeed nor did he curse him. He did not comment on his actions. He only said “Yazeed (May Allah be pleased with him)” since he does not consider Yazeed to be a Kafir and it is allowed to pray for the believers as Abraham (pbuh) too prayed for all the believers in the Glorious Qur’an – 14:41.
4. The Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat claims that the whole of Muslim Ummah condemns the statement of Dr. Zakir. Who are the people the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat mentions as ‘Muslim Ummah’? Do the views of the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat represent the view of the Muslim Ummah? Do they have the fatawas of all the cross section of Muslims, especially the Ahl-e-sunnat-wal-Jamaat, for their stand? If it is only Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat raking up the controversy, then they are misleading the common masses by saying Muslim Ummah.
There is a difference of opinion as far as the Muslim scholars are concerned regarding Yazeed. Some are neutral and some are against him. Some are even in favour of Yazeed like the revered scholar Imam Ghazaali.
When Imam Ghazaali was asked if it was all right to curse Yazeed, he replied “No”. He was asked was it all right to say “rahimahullah”? He said “Yes it is Mustahab (highly recommended).” [Qaid as Shareed min Akhbar e Yazeed pg 57-59].
Imam Ghazaali further said, “Yazeed was a Muslim and when we pray for the Muslims “Allhummagfirli Muslimineen was Muslimaat (O Allah forgive the Musilms men and women) he is also included in our prayers.” [Qaid as Shareed min Akhbar e Yazeed pg 57-59].
Yazeed was also the commander of the Muslim army, which went to fight the battle of Constantinople, which was predicted by the Prophet (pbuh) himself along with the glad tidings, “Paradise will be granted to the first batch of my followers who will undertake a naval operation.” [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4 Book of Jihad Hadith 2924].
This was a very prominent war as far as the spread of Islam was concerned. There were Sahabah like Hussain Ibn Ali, Abdullah bin Abbas, Ibn Umar and Abu Ayyub Ansari and Abdullah bin Zubair (May Allah be pleased with all of them) who participated and fought under the leadership of Yazeed.
5. As far as the Ahl-e-sunnat-wal-Jamaat is concerned, inspite of the difference of opinion it is agreed upon that it is permissible to say “May Allah have mercy on him” or “May Allah be pleased with him” for Yazeed. Therefore saying “May Allah be pleased with him” after Yazeed’s name is not Haraam, nor a sin and is not wrong.
This has been reconfirmed recently in writing from various Darul Ulooms and Islamic Organisations in India.
Fatawas to clarify and support the above stand.a) Darul Uloom, Deoband.b) Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow (verbally confirmed on phone, written copy to be received)c) Darul Uloom, Barelwi.d) Jamaat-e-Islami-i-Hind, New Delhi. (verbally confirmed on phone, written copy to be received)e) Darul Uloom Ahmadia Salfia, Darbhanga, Bihar.f) Jamiatul-Ahle-Hadith, New Delhig) Aligarh Muslim Universityh) Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwii) And several others who have confirmed on phone and are expected to be received in the next couple of days.
Fatawas from scholars outside India:1) Shaikh Abdullah Ibn Jibreen (on audio, written copy to be received)2) Shaikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyah
Note: Please find attachments of the fatawas mentioned above for your reference.
6. Some people consider “political war” in a negative sense. By saying Karbala was a political war in no way does it mean that it was not a war for Islam or Justice. Many political wars were fought for the sake of Justice and Islam.
Islam is a complete way of life, which also deals with political issues, which should be based on the Qur’an and Hadith.
In his response to the questioner, Dr. Zakir also cited the example of the Battle of Jamal that was fought between the Mother of the Believers, Aaishah (RA) and Ali (RA). The battle took place as a result of difference of opinion on a political issue. We respect and revere both the companions of the prophet (pbuh). However, with regards to the battle of Jamal, we neither favour nor are we against any one of them.
7. We disagree with a certain group of Muslims who hurl abuses on Aaishah (R.A.) and do not consider her from the Ahle Bayt i.e. family of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). However, the Qur’an considers the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) as the members of Ahle Bayt in – 33:32-33.
Moreover, even the wife of Abraham (pbuh) is addressed by Allah (swt) as one among the Ahle Bayt of Abraham (pbuh) in the Glorious Qur’an – 11:72-73.
Furthermore, this same minority Muslim sect also curses the first three caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr (R.A.), Umar (R.A.) and Uthman (R.A.) as well as the mother of believers Ayesha (R.A.).
8. If Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat tomorrow says don’t say “May Allah be pleased with him”, after the name of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ummul Mumineen Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with them all) will we stop saying “May Allah be pleased with them”, after their names? Of course not!
As a whole, the majority of the Muslims condemn the act of anyone cursing any of the companions, including the first three caliphs of Islam as well as Ayesha (R.A.) the wife of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
9. Dr. Zakir Naik did not curse or criticize any Muslim. This same small minority sect of Muslim curse these revered Caliphs of Islam Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (May Allah be pleased with them all), and if they do it the whole Muslim Ummah will condemn them.
The Prophet (pbuh) himself said, “When a man curses anything, the curse goes up to heaven and the gates of heaven are locked against it. Then it comes down to the earth and its gates are locked against it. Then it goes right and left, and if it finds no place of entrance it returns to the thing it was cursed, and if it deserves what was said (it enters it), otherwise it returns to the one who uttered it.”[Sunan Abu Dawud Vol.3 Book of Manners Hadith 4887].
Aaishah (R.A.) reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “When your companion dies, leave him and do not revile him.”[Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol.3 Book of Manners Hadith 4881].
Allah will not question us on the Day of Judgement as to why didn’t we hurl abuses on Yazeed even if he deserved it, however Allah will surely hold us accountable if we curse anyone unjustly.
Our salvation does not depend on the issue of Yazeed as every person is responsible for his or her actions.
Allah says in Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 134 & 141.
“That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned and you of what you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do.”
10. Dr. Zakir Naik holds the grandsons of the Prophet in high respect and whenever he mentions the name of Hassan (R.A.) and Hussain (R.A.) he follows it with RadiAllahu Anhuma (May Allah be pleased with them).
Dr. Zakir condemns the person who actually killed Hussain (RadiAllahu Anhu) the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) whether he was the person from Yazeed’s army or someone else.
11. Dr. Zakir Naik is held in high regards by millions of Muslims worldwide. There were more than two-hundred thousand people, including Bohras, Shias, Barelwis, Deobandis etc. during his speech and no one amongst them raised the issue, not even a single from more than 20 Islamic scholars from different parts of the world who came to speak at the conference.
This issue has been raised by a few Shias from Pakistan, where raising such kinds of discords are common and later on picked up by the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat in Mumbai.
12. Saying “May Allah be pleased with him” after Yazeed’s name is a minor issue, but cursing the first three caliphs and Ayesha (R.A.) is a much more bigger issue and a grievous sin.
According to Ahl-e-sunnat-wal-Jamaat cursing the first three rightly guided caliphs and the Mother of Believers, Ayesha (R.A.) is a major sin (some scholars go to the extent of saying it is ‘Kufr’ i.e. disbelief while others say it is ‘Fisq’ i.e. grave sin).
If you make a mountain out of a mole hill because of saying “May Allah be pleased with him” for Yazeed then is not cursing the first three rightly guided caliphs of Islam and the Mother of Believers, Ayesha (R.A.) a much more grievous sin?
We want unity among the Muslim Ummah. Is it proper for the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat to continue to create unnecessary discord on a ‘difference of opinion’ amongst Muslims with them?
13. If the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat give in writing that they will not curse the first three caliphs Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthman and the Ummul Mumineen Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with them all) InshaAllah Dr. Zakir Naik will never say RadiAllahu Anhu (May Allah be pleased with him) after the name of Yazeed since it is optional.It is not Dr. Zakir Naik who has a difference of opinion regarding Yazeed, but he is aware that as far as the scholars of the Ahl-e-Sunnat-wa-Jamaat are concerned, there is a difference of opinion regarding Yazeed. That is the reason he neither praised him, nor condemned him.
Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers. We should try to unite the Muslim Ummah rather than creating more divisions. If only all Muslims read the Qur’an with understanding and adhere to Sahih Hadith, Inshallah most of these differences would be solved and we could be one united Muslim Ummah. The best way to get the Muslims together is given in the following verse:
“And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves;” [Surah Ale Imran 3:103].
Yours Sincerely,
MANZOOR SHAIKHAdministration Manager
For more details on the event please refer to the following page:
Irrespective of the difference of opinion on this issue in Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaah yet it is unanimously agreed that one can say RadhiAllahu Anhu (May Allah be please with him) for Yazeed.
As you are aware that Dr. Zakir has a large fan following from all the sects of Muslim Ummah including Isna Ashari, Khojas, Bohris etc. The Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat could not tolerate the Shias getting influenced by Dr. Zakir’s talks.
Desperate attempts were made to instigate the whole of Muslim Ummah against Dr. Zakir Naik by publicizing the matter in all possible manners.
The Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat in Mumbai is misleading the masses by making it appear as though Dr. Zakir Naik has made Yazeed into a Hero. Infact Yazeed is not a Hero for Dr. Zakir Naik.
2. In order to maintain the unity in the Muslim Ummah, Dr. Zakir Naik expresses his sincere regret and said, “I regret if unintentionally any person or section of the people’s feelings have been hurt due to any statement made by me.” He also does the same while giving da’wah to Christians and Hindus. He regrets hurting the Muslims unintentionally but that does not mean what he has said is wrong.
3. Any knowledgeable Muslim whenever he takes the name of any “Sahabah” (companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) or Taba’een (next generation after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) his name is followed by RadiAllahu Anhu (May Allah be pleased with him) or Rahmatullahi Alaih (May Allah’s mercy be on him).Thus Dr. Zakir Naik after mentioning the name of Yazeed, who is a Taba’een, he followed his name with (May Allah be pleased with him). To pray for the Muslims is also instructed by Allah (swt) in the Glorious Qur’an – 98:8, 9:100 and 58:22.
Neither did Dr. Zakir praise Yazeed nor did he curse him. He did not comment on his actions. He only said “Yazeed (May Allah be pleased with him)” since he does not consider Yazeed to be a Kafir and it is allowed to pray for the believers as Abraham (pbuh) too prayed for all the believers in the Glorious Qur’an – 14:41.
4. The Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat claims that the whole of Muslim Ummah condemns the statement of Dr. Zakir. Who are the people the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat mentions as ‘Muslim Ummah’? Do the views of the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat represent the view of the Muslim Ummah? Do they have the fatawas of all the cross section of Muslims, especially the Ahl-e-sunnat-wal-Jamaat, for their stand? If it is only Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat raking up the controversy, then they are misleading the common masses by saying Muslim Ummah.
There is a difference of opinion as far as the Muslim scholars are concerned regarding Yazeed. Some are neutral and some are against him. Some are even in favour of Yazeed like the revered scholar Imam Ghazaali.
When Imam Ghazaali was asked if it was all right to curse Yazeed, he replied “No”. He was asked was it all right to say “rahimahullah”? He said “Yes it is Mustahab (highly recommended).” [Qaid as Shareed min Akhbar e Yazeed pg 57-59].
Imam Ghazaali further said, “Yazeed was a Muslim and when we pray for the Muslims “Allhummagfirli Muslimineen was Muslimaat (O Allah forgive the Musilms men and women) he is also included in our prayers.” [Qaid as Shareed min Akhbar e Yazeed pg 57-59].
Yazeed was also the commander of the Muslim army, which went to fight the battle of Constantinople, which was predicted by the Prophet (pbuh) himself along with the glad tidings, “Paradise will be granted to the first batch of my followers who will undertake a naval operation.” [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4 Book of Jihad Hadith 2924].
This was a very prominent war as far as the spread of Islam was concerned. There were Sahabah like Hussain Ibn Ali, Abdullah bin Abbas, Ibn Umar and Abu Ayyub Ansari and Abdullah bin Zubair (May Allah be pleased with all of them) who participated and fought under the leadership of Yazeed.
5. As far as the Ahl-e-sunnat-wal-Jamaat is concerned, inspite of the difference of opinion it is agreed upon that it is permissible to say “May Allah have mercy on him” or “May Allah be pleased with him” for Yazeed. Therefore saying “May Allah be pleased with him” after Yazeed’s name is not Haraam, nor a sin and is not wrong.
This has been reconfirmed recently in writing from various Darul Ulooms and Islamic Organisations in India.
Fatawas to clarify and support the above stand.a) Darul Uloom, Deoband.b) Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow (verbally confirmed on phone, written copy to be received)c) Darul Uloom, Barelwi.d) Jamaat-e-Islami-i-Hind, New Delhi. (verbally confirmed on phone, written copy to be received)e) Darul Uloom Ahmadia Salfia, Darbhanga, Bihar.f) Jamiatul-Ahle-Hadith, New Delhig) Aligarh Muslim Universityh) Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwii) And several others who have confirmed on phone and are expected to be received in the next couple of days.
Fatawas from scholars outside India:1) Shaikh Abdullah Ibn Jibreen (on audio, written copy to be received)2) Shaikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyah
Note: Please find attachments of the fatawas mentioned above for your reference.
6. Some people consider “political war” in a negative sense. By saying Karbala was a political war in no way does it mean that it was not a war for Islam or Justice. Many political wars were fought for the sake of Justice and Islam.
Islam is a complete way of life, which also deals with political issues, which should be based on the Qur’an and Hadith.
In his response to the questioner, Dr. Zakir also cited the example of the Battle of Jamal that was fought between the Mother of the Believers, Aaishah (RA) and Ali (RA). The battle took place as a result of difference of opinion on a political issue. We respect and revere both the companions of the prophet (pbuh). However, with regards to the battle of Jamal, we neither favour nor are we against any one of them.
7. We disagree with a certain group of Muslims who hurl abuses on Aaishah (R.A.) and do not consider her from the Ahle Bayt i.e. family of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). However, the Qur’an considers the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) as the members of Ahle Bayt in – 33:32-33.
Moreover, even the wife of Abraham (pbuh) is addressed by Allah (swt) as one among the Ahle Bayt of Abraham (pbuh) in the Glorious Qur’an – 11:72-73.
Furthermore, this same minority Muslim sect also curses the first three caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr (R.A.), Umar (R.A.) and Uthman (R.A.) as well as the mother of believers Ayesha (R.A.).
8. If Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat tomorrow says don’t say “May Allah be pleased with him”, after the name of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ummul Mumineen Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with them all) will we stop saying “May Allah be pleased with them”, after their names? Of course not!
As a whole, the majority of the Muslims condemn the act of anyone cursing any of the companions, including the first three caliphs of Islam as well as Ayesha (R.A.) the wife of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
9. Dr. Zakir Naik did not curse or criticize any Muslim. This same small minority sect of Muslim curse these revered Caliphs of Islam Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (May Allah be pleased with them all), and if they do it the whole Muslim Ummah will condemn them.
The Prophet (pbuh) himself said, “When a man curses anything, the curse goes up to heaven and the gates of heaven are locked against it. Then it comes down to the earth and its gates are locked against it. Then it goes right and left, and if it finds no place of entrance it returns to the thing it was cursed, and if it deserves what was said (it enters it), otherwise it returns to the one who uttered it.”[Sunan Abu Dawud Vol.3 Book of Manners Hadith 4887].
Aaishah (R.A.) reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “When your companion dies, leave him and do not revile him.”[Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol.3 Book of Manners Hadith 4881].
Allah will not question us on the Day of Judgement as to why didn’t we hurl abuses on Yazeed even if he deserved it, however Allah will surely hold us accountable if we curse anyone unjustly.
Our salvation does not depend on the issue of Yazeed as every person is responsible for his or her actions.
Allah says in Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 134 & 141.
“That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned and you of what you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do.”
10. Dr. Zakir Naik holds the grandsons of the Prophet in high respect and whenever he mentions the name of Hassan (R.A.) and Hussain (R.A.) he follows it with RadiAllahu Anhuma (May Allah be pleased with them).
Dr. Zakir condemns the person who actually killed Hussain (RadiAllahu Anhu) the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) whether he was the person from Yazeed’s army or someone else.
11. Dr. Zakir Naik is held in high regards by millions of Muslims worldwide. There were more than two-hundred thousand people, including Bohras, Shias, Barelwis, Deobandis etc. during his speech and no one amongst them raised the issue, not even a single from more than 20 Islamic scholars from different parts of the world who came to speak at the conference.
This issue has been raised by a few Shias from Pakistan, where raising such kinds of discords are common and later on picked up by the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat in Mumbai.
12. Saying “May Allah be pleased with him” after Yazeed’s name is a minor issue, but cursing the first three caliphs and Ayesha (R.A.) is a much more bigger issue and a grievous sin.
According to Ahl-e-sunnat-wal-Jamaat cursing the first three rightly guided caliphs and the Mother of Believers, Ayesha (R.A.) is a major sin (some scholars go to the extent of saying it is ‘Kufr’ i.e. disbelief while others say it is ‘Fisq’ i.e. grave sin).
If you make a mountain out of a mole hill because of saying “May Allah be pleased with him” for Yazeed then is not cursing the first three rightly guided caliphs of Islam and the Mother of Believers, Ayesha (R.A.) a much more grievous sin?
We want unity among the Muslim Ummah. Is it proper for the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat to continue to create unnecessary discord on a ‘difference of opinion’ amongst Muslims with them?
13. If the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat give in writing that they will not curse the first three caliphs Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthman and the Ummul Mumineen Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with them all) InshaAllah Dr. Zakir Naik will never say RadiAllahu Anhu (May Allah be pleased with him) after the name of Yazeed since it is optional.It is not Dr. Zakir Naik who has a difference of opinion regarding Yazeed, but he is aware that as far as the scholars of the Ahl-e-Sunnat-wa-Jamaat are concerned, there is a difference of opinion regarding Yazeed. That is the reason he neither praised him, nor condemned him.
Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers. We should try to unite the Muslim Ummah rather than creating more divisions. If only all Muslims read the Qur’an with understanding and adhere to Sahih Hadith, Inshallah most of these differences would be solved and we could be one united Muslim Ummah. The best way to get the Muslims together is given in the following verse:
“And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves;” [Surah Ale Imran 3:103].
Yours Sincerely,
MANZOOR SHAIKHAdministration Manager
For more details on the event please refer to the following page: